Course Information
The project has been marked and Zsolt is emailing students with their results. The projects can be picked up from the box down the hall from my office. Assignment 8 has also been marked and is in the box down the hall.
Please note: I will be away on Wed. Dec. 12, so if you have any questions, please see me earlier. Thanks.
Comments on the final exam: There are 4 questions in part A. Answer all questions in part A. In part B there are 2 questions and you only need to answer one of them. The last 4 pages contain numerical data and equations. These pages are reproduced HERE.
Please note: I will be away on Wed. Dec. 12, so if you have any questions, please see me earlier. Thanks.
Comments on the final exam: There are 4 questions in part A. Answer all questions in part A. In part B there are 2 questions and you only need to answer one of them. The last 4 pages contain numerical data and equations. These pages are reproduced HERE.